Friday, April 01, 2011

Business Trip Extraordinaire--Day 5

Day 5 has come and gone. There's not much new to report today. I worked all day and into the evening. It was a pretty successful day for me.

I called home twice today because my schedule worked out that way. Everyone is doing okay. Tracy already blogged about James's new glasses. As a person who wore glasses for more than 20 years, I can relate to that (nothing a little lasers won't fix though).

Tracy also mentioned James's classroom holding a corrupt election. As a person has lived in both the U.S. AND Latin America, I can relate to that too.

Tonight I wanted to do something different for dinner, so I made my first ever visit to a hippie grocery store. I've heard lots of people rave about Trader Joe's and Whole Foods and thought I would go see what all the fuss is about. There is a Trader Joe's in the town where I am staying, so I picked up a few things there for a light dinner. They do have a decent selection of very expensive food for a place so small. Since it is a small store, it was easy to see everything and decide what to get (salad, bread, and cookies). I was reasonably impressed, and maybe I'll go to Trader Joe's in the future but probably not on a regular basis due to budget constraints.

Today I wore long sleeves for the cold server room so I could leave my jacket behind. It was very warm outside today. This is a beautiful place. So is home. I'm grateful for such a beautiful world and that I have been able to see so much of it.


The Doll said...

I've heard great things about Trader Joe’s but we don't have any here. I only get to shop at Whole Foods when Chris isn't around because he says it smells like hippies.

Leslie said...

You're referring to Trader Joe's and Whole Foods as hippie grocery stores?!?! MAYBE Whole Foods I can see, but Trader Joe's?!?! And what is this about budget constraints? TJ's has the lowest prices on tons of staples like eggs and butter, milk, cheese and bread. Sure, if you're buying their pre-made meals those are going to be pricey. And in my experience they are not very tasty. But they are fabulous for every day groceries. Maybe I do pay a bit more than if I were shopping at WinCo, but holy moly is the quality worth it to me.

Loved your thoughts on the corrupt election!