Monday, June 25, 2012

Our Record-Setting Family

During the weekend, my family and I helped set a world record!

The record-setting kiddodiddos! Front row: Simon (blue), Rachel (pink), and Jonny (brown). Next: James (gray/orange) and Tracy (white/blue/purple). Next: me (my white/red/yellow Singin' in the Rain shirt; my head is absent).

We joined several hundred of our closest friends to attempt to set the record for the most people ever in one place to wear surgical masks at the same time. Our family appears in a photo gallery of the event. Our photo is #5 of 6 in the gallery. Or you can cut to the chase and go directly to our photo.

Everyone in our family attended except Amelia, who chose to attend a sewing class instead. It's her fun new hobby, which she enjoys so much that we gave her a sewing machine for her birthday. So while the rest of us got a world record, she got a custom decorated t-shirt. It was a fun day for all of us!

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Healthy Eating

A kiddodiddo classic is ants on a log.  I think everyone is familiar with this delectable combination of celery, raisins and peanut butter.  We pretty much love it here except for one thing:
Jonny:  Can we not call it ants on a log?  Who wants to eat ants?  That's GROSS.
us: What should we call it?
Jonny: Pants on a log. 
Mia: You want to eat PANTS?  That's gross.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012


Try not to be jealous of Uncle Jake for winning  this amazing diaper bag hand crafted by none other than our precious Amelia.  This original work was created using diapers, tape and toilet paper.  Gotta love her sense of humor!    It will be arriving as soon as I can find the right size envelope.

Friday, June 08, 2012


If you are feeling lucky, please leave a comment and you will be eligible to win an incredible hand made diaper bag.  This diaper bag was made by a very creative and talented young kiddodiddo.  I guarantee you will get such a kick out of this diaper bag that even if you no longer need to carry around diapers, you will want this bag.  Entrants must leave a comment by Saturday night.  Good Luck!

Tuesday, June 05, 2012

I'm the Mom

I tend to wear an old pink sweater with buttons on it around the house.  I didn't realize I did it so often until I had the following exchange with Rachel:
R: I need my circus sweater (it has circus animals parading around the bottom of it)
M: (got sweater and put it on her)
R: Now give me your phone because I'M the mom!
So now I know the two things every mom needs- a sweater and a phone. 


Last month I overheard a funny conversation while I was driving the preschool carpool.  Simon had chosen to wear a button down shirt, one that was a gift to James many years ago but never worn.  James had a thing against buttons, as did Jonny.  Simon likes to dress like Dad sometimes by wearing nicer shirts.
So I picked up Simon's friend and as he got in the van, he said to Simon "Hey- your shirt looks like a man!"  Simon looked confused for a split second and then he cracked into a sly grin and said "That's because my shirt IS a man." 


Even before we signed up for television service a few months ago, the kiddodiddos really enjoyed Mythbusters.  It really captures their imaginations.  Thankfully, the myths they have tried to bust at home have been small scale. 
This morning, while I was doing Rachel's hair, Simon handed me the "ballistics gel" (as he called it) to finish off her 'do.  What a helpful boy:)