Sunday, April 03, 2011

Business Trip Extraordinaire--Day 7

Do you ever reflect on how you ended up where you are, doing what you're doing at a given moment? I do sometimes, and I had one of those moments today. I was working in the room where the Main Event will take place, which is a large auditorium. Everyone else had left by about 6:00 PM, and I worked there by myself until about 9:30. It occurred to me how weird it was that I had this auditorium to myself, in California, getting ready for the biggest moment of my career so far, with my family 3,000 miles away. I could never have predicted this.

I had a good Saturday at work. One of my Linux laptops for the Main Event was not working as it should, so I reinstalled Linux, and now it works great. I'm glad it does, because if I had reinstalled and it still didn't work, or if I had made it worse, I would have been in big trouble, with the systems guys out for the weekend and only three days to go.

As predicted, I missed all of General Conference today. I started work before the conference started, and I left work after the evening priesthood session ended. I tried to listen on my phone, but the coverage in the auditorium was terrible and it did not work.

After I left work around 9:30, I decided to have dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory. I was impressed. The food was really good, and the servers were friendly. There was no waiting at that hour. Also, a family nearby had one too many free dessert coupons from Facebook, and they gave one to me. That was very kind. After one of the loneliest and most demanding weeks of my life, I was grateful for some kindness from strangers.

It was cool and misty walking from the restaurant back to my hotel, which was unusual for southern California in my experience. I might have needed my jacket if it were a longer walk.

I have now transferred all the way to Pacific time and then some. Time for bed. More work tomorrow, unfortunately. Seven days down, 16 to go.

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