Monday, April 04, 2011

Business Trip Extraordinaire--Day 9

Today was a wonderful day of work. All my demos work great and I was done working before 5:00. Finally, I'm going to get a good night of sleep.

At home they had a school holiday today. I don't know why, but it sounds like the kids were good. Tracy has been painting like crazy. She wants to paint our horribly colored bathrooms before I get home. She is so good to me!

Here in California, it's the night before the Main Event. I have worked very hard to prepare for tomorrow. They say you're supposed to be passionate about your work. I am, but mostly in the sense of providing for my family as one of my main duties in life. My Father in Heaven has blessed me with the talents I need to earn a good living, and I'm careful not to let those talents go to waste. Tracy and the kids deserve that and much more. I pray that it will go well, and I have done my part. Stay tuned.

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