Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Latest projects

Yesterday and today we had new railings installed in our split foyer house. The old ones were seriously wobbly and had gaps between the posts, just perfect for tiny crawlers to fall through and/or curious toddlers to get their heads stuck in. We have wanted to replace them since we moved in. Here are the results.

Here's the final bathroom from my project.  I am calling it done even though I did not get the mirrors off the ceiling.  I don't think I really thought through what would happen when I attempted to pry them loose.  Shattering was not what I had in mind.   


Leslie said...

The railings look fantastic! Not only are they safer and giving you peace of mind but they are also a great upgrade. It's a very nice look. Bathroom looks so nice and light, too. You should be proud of all your hard work.

P.S. Who installed the railings?

Gary S. said...

Good job cutie! Thank you for getting all this done while I have been gone. It looks great!

I'll try to figure out how to get the mirrors off when I return.

TracyS. said...

It was a local construction company.

Gary, I got a couple of hacksaw blades, to saw through the glue. Maybe we can make a night of it, with goggles, of course.