Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Friends beware...

Amelia and Jonny tend to get a little carried away when friends come over. They plot ways to set traps for their friends while they anticipate their arrival. Usually, its something along the lines of "let's put a candy bar on a string and pull it when he tries to grab it" or "let's tickle him" or "let's trap him so he can't go home." I try to discourage this activity. I find it a little disturbing.
Last night at dinner time, their past time took a deranged twist.
"I'm gonna set a trap for Santa Claus," Amelia grinned.
The kids got carried away, shouting out all of the various tricks and traps they could pull on poor old Santa. Suggestions ranged from
"Let's fill our stockings with rats" to "let's poison his hot chocolate." (not poison, sleeping powder- I draw the line at poisoning Santa Claus, or anyone else for that matter.)
I couldn't believe their dastardly plans. I think I'll put up a sign warning Santa to stay away this year.

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