Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Copy Cat Post

A few weeks ago, my sister made a cute blog page on a Saturday afternoon. She went around the house, taking pictures of her husband and children doing whatever they happened to be doing. One was in the sand box. Another was reading a book. Hubby was mowing the lawn. Domestic bliss.
Yesterday, I found myself alone on the main floor of "the kiddodiddo ranch." This NEVER happens. (My kids feel the need to be within arm's reach at all times. I don't know why.) The house was quiet for several minutes. "AH!" I thought to myself. "Here's my chance to document my children in their natural habitat." So I grabbed the camera and ran through the house snapping photos. Here's what I found:

Simon. He was on the main floor after all, but he was quiet because he was eatting stickers. Notice cheeks full of stickers.
Put the camera down, unload cheeks and then continue on... Here's Jonny.
Just as I arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he starts walking down the stairs, hollering "MOM! MOM! MOM!" and eatting a box of Nerds. So much for finding him in his natural habitat.

I continued up the stairs and found Amelia, in her room. As soon as I walked through the door, she pulled the blanket down tight, to hid the fact that she had taken her Halloween candy to bed with her "for a little nap." ( no, you can't actually see her in the picture. The Ariel blanket/cave is in the way)
By the time I got back to the bottom of the stairs again, I found Jimmy, waving a sword and kicking a soccer ball at the front door. What you can't see is that his mouth is bright blue on the inside because it's stuffed with Jolly ranchers. (yes that's a campaign sticker on his shirt)

My last attempt to catch my children in their natural habitat ended here, at the kitchen table, where you can see the boys sharing a box of Nerds. (yes that's more campaign literature on the table. sigh.)

Now I know what it takes to get 5 minutes of peace and quiet- Halloween candy.


Jodi said...

Ahhh... Halloween candy! Gotta love it! Fun to see what all your kids were up to. Looks like you all had a great Halloween!

The Bunker Family said...

That's such a cute idea for a post! I'm learning that I have a love/hate relationship with Halloween candy...

Leslie said...

Next to yours, my post seems so "bland!" Ha ha -- get it (as in mine had no Halloween sweets). Your kids are too cute.