Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Repetition is the Key
I took all the kids with me to vote. I feel it's an important lesson and I gave the kids each an American Flag to wave and off we went to the polling place. While I was in the middle of filling out my ballot, I started to smell a particular smell. So I called out to the kids "Is everyone clean and dry?" Jonny called back "I am. SEE!" When I turned around, there he was standing with his pants and pullup around his ankles showing me just how dry he was. "Put your pants on!" I shouted with a surprise. Maybe if I'd kept my head and said it quiet, everyone wouldn't have turned around to stare.
The next week, I was getting the Jonny and Simon ready for the bath when JIMMY came running out of the bathroom, dripping wet from his own bath. "Look Mom!" he cried. "Knee knockers- Grandma would be so proud!" Grandma would have been very proud of his authentic knee knocking- if she had been there and IF he had been wearing a stitch of clothes. I found myself again shouting in surprise "PUT YOUR PANTS ON!!!" ( I wrote Jimmy super big because I had to repeat the name for Gary 3 times before he believed me.)
Helpful Hands
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Friends beware...
Last night at dinner time, their past time took a deranged twist.
"I'm gonna set a trap for Santa Claus," Amelia grinned.
The kids got carried away, shouting out all of the various tricks and traps they could pull on poor old Santa. Suggestions ranged from
"Let's fill our stockings with rats" to "let's poison his hot chocolate." (not poison, sleeping powder- I draw the line at poisoning Santa Claus, or anyone else for that matter.)
I couldn't believe their dastardly plans. I think I'll put up a sign warning Santa to stay away this year.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
It's Just a Phase
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Copy Cat Post
Yesterday, I found myself alone on the main floor of "the kiddodiddo ranch." This NEVER happens. (My kids feel the need to be within arm's reach at all times. I don't know why.) The house was quiet for several minutes. "AH!" I thought to myself. "Here's my chance to document my children in their natural habitat." So I grabbed the camera and ran through the house snapping photos. Here's what I found:
Simon. He was on the main floor after all, but he was quiet because he was eatting stickers. Notice cheeks full of stickers.
Put the camera down, unload cheeks and then continue on... Here's Jonny.
Just as I arrived at the bottom of the stairs, he starts walking down the stairs, hollering "MOM! MOM! MOM!" and eatting a box of Nerds. So much for finding him in his natural habitat.
I continued up the stairs and found Amelia, in her room. As soon as I walked through the door, she pulled the blanket down tight, to hid the fact that she had taken her Halloween candy to bed with her "for a little nap." ( no, you can't actually see her in the picture. The Ariel blanket/cave is in the way)
My last attempt to catch my children in their natural habitat ended here, at the kitchen table, where you can see the boys sharing a box of Nerds. (yes that's more campaign literature on the table. sigh.)
Now I know what it takes to get 5 minutes of peace and quiet- Halloween candy.
Fall Photos
Here's a hat I made for Amelia. A friend of mine asked for help to make a beanie cap, and here's what I came up with. I wonder what she's thinking about.
Amelia went to a pumpkin patch with her school and got to bring home a pie pumpkin (yum!) She drew a face on it and I carved it for her. We carved the big one as a group.
Here's a better view- I love the freckles and rosy cheeks!
Try as I might, I could not get a decent picture of the kids in their Halloween costumes. This is as close as I got this year. Jimmy was Iron Man (You know the guy on the underpants- that's what he told me when he chose it out. Everyone ELSE seemed to know who or what Iron Man is) Jonny was a candy corn. Simon wore the sheep suit (here he is, minus the hat) and Amelia is Mulan. Too bad she's wearing her coat. The dress was very pretty.
Here's the real reason Halloween photos never ended up on the blog last Halloween: I accidently cut off Gary's head. (Jimmy was a bat, Simon was a jack o lantern, Amelia was a princess and Jonny was a dinosaur)
I'm so glad that I did get one shot with Gary's head in it. Aren't he and Simon so cute?!
Here's my last Halloween photo, a reminder of what happens when you rub a wet sucker through your hair:
Monday, November 03, 2008
Amelia was trying to play with her baby dolls and Jimmy and Jonny were playing "kidnapping pirates." Unfortunatly, the two games did not go so well together. At one point, I heard Jonny yell "Ha Ha I flushed Purple Amelia down the toilet!" (Amelia named her baby after herself)
Thanks, Gary for playing the part of Purple Amelia's dashing hero. I wish Crismon Shedds had come along!
I never saw the actual event. I was putting the very unrepentant Jonny to bed early while he playfully yelled things like "I can flush a ball down the toilet I can flush the world down the toilet!"
Perfect Fall Day
John McCain! John McCain! (jumps up and down)
John McCain! John McCain! (growly voice)
(About this time I was thinking this would make a cute little advertisement.)
John McCain! (spins in circles)
Barak Obama is a MURDERER!
I think my jaw hit the floor when I heard that last part. And I hoped against hope that his intelligability is not as good as I think it is.
With a red face I explained that Barak Obama never murdered anybody.