Monday, May 04, 2009

Monkey See, Monkey Do

I really enjoy a quick card game with the kids. (I must emphasize the word quick. I have a hard time settling down to play lengthy games.) I enjoy quick games of any kind. I have a problem with games at the moment. It is 20 months old and very grabby. Yes, you guessed: Simon. To prevent Simon from ruining games/stealing pieces etc. the bigger kids and I have a coping technique. It's not so complex. Anything that is not in use, we sit on. (well, not ANYTHING, just cards) That way there's less for Simon to grab.
Jonny and I were playing Book of Mormon Battles (a Book of Mormon themed game that is very similar to War.) Simon was no where to be seen, so we thought we were safe. We got lazy and left our discard piles, captured piles, etc untended. Along came Simon who thought he would join in the fun. He waddled over and plopped down next to us and immediately grabbed everything he could and shoved it under his bottom. He laughed with delight at the size of his stash.


Cami said...

Hahaha, too funny!

holly b said...

very fun. Matt and I like to play Ticket to Rid Europe aka"the train game". Evalyn "plays" with us by being in charge of the discard pile...

TracyS. said...

I just looked up Ticket to Ride Europe. It looks like great game.