Thursday, May 07, 2009

Eight is Great

My wonderful and amazing bloggy friend Tracie tagged me for this quiz of 8. Really, when I read her blog I am so inspired by her uplifting attitude and the positive spin she puts on real life. Some days I think I just need to be a little more like Tracie. (enjoy Germany for the next few years, but hurry back!)

Here's how to do this 8 THINGS thing:Mention the person who tagged you.Complete the lists of 8's.Tag 8 of your wonderful bloggy friends

8 things I look forward to:
1 sleeping in someday (for some reason the kiddo diddos wake up super early on days when there is no school)
2 my anniversary this summer- no big plans I just want to be able to say I've been married 10 years.
3 "Jennifer Conference" (AKA General Conference)
4 relaxing at the beach/pool (I know this one is a LONG way off- the kids are prone to drowning and I am in a state of panic most of the time we are there but I know the day will come when they are water safe and I can be water sane.)

8 things I did yesterday:
1. Fall asleep after the alarm went off at 5:50- woke up at 6:20 instead and only had 10 minutes to exercize.
2 Get Jimmy and Amelia off to school. Wave really hard as the bus drives away and notice that all the other children have flowers for their teachers. Whoops! I forgot about teacher appreciation.
3. Tell Jonny that we have NOTHING to do today and I'll do anything he wants for the next few hours. He chooses go to Wegmans "so we can buy apples" (the kids know apples are my favorite and often request trips to the store to buy them when they feel like going out.) What he really wanted was to play video games in the kids club.
4. Jonny is the only kid in the kids club and has the video games all to himself. We don't really need apples, so I bought a cookie to share with Simon and we eat it in the cafe upstairs- a little date for me and my youngest son.
5. Kindergarten pick up.
6. Go and check out the garden plot I rented for the season. So far, I've only got 4 zucchini sprouts and lots of weeds. I wasn't thinking when I applied the fertilizer to the entire plot (instead of just to my seeded rows)and really, I think I've got the best looking weeds out of all the plots!
7. Watch the kids ride bikes in the church parking lot while Jimmy did cub scouts inside. Well, mostly I chatted with the other moms doing the same thing.
8. Fell asleep at 9 on the couch. Ah that felt good.

8 things I wish I could do:
1 carry a tune
2 decorate my home- I wish someone would swoop in and tell me how
3 walk gracefully in high heels
4 say the right thing at the right time (instead of thinking of the perfect response when I'm lying in bed that night)
5 ride a bike with the helmet off (I have to wear one because I make the kids, but I miss the wind in my hair!)

8 tv shows I watch:
18 and counting
the office
fox and friends (mostly to keep me company while I exercize)
(okay really, I'll watch anything when Gary's away on business. I just turn on the tv to hear people talk sometimes. But those are the only shows I actually seek out)

8 Bloggy friends:

Okay I know this is lame. I can't think of 8 things for most of these lists, but I 've got a stack of receipts to take care of and I want to go to bed. Maybe some other time when I am in a soul bearing mood, I'll be able to knock out the rest of the lists.


Jake said...

I know what you mean about the bike helmet, I hate it too. I've crashed a few times, and my helmet always comes through without a scratch, indicating I wouldn't have gotten a head injury any of those times.

Leslie said...

It sounds like such a sweet day you had, taking Jonny and Simon to the store like that. I love "dates" with my kids too!

TracieCarter said...

I love your blog and that you too show our season of life in all it's hilarity and realism. Love the lists and the fact that you chose sleep and reciepts over finishing! You are a true mom and a great one at that! I have to laugh at the helmet thing because for Mother's Day I asked Ryan to get my bike out of storage and get it up to specs. I've been craving a bit of wind in my hair lately but don't know that I have any stamina to get in a good ride. For now, swings and driving with the windows down are my alternatives, plus no helmet required :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the tag...I have been trying to look at your blog for a while now. I will fulfill my duty in a little while. I have a few extra kids today so my hands are a little full right now.