Friday, May 08, 2009


I thought it would be fun to play charades after dinner last night. I explained the game to the kiddodiddos and off we went.

Round 1:

Me: reading a book
Jimmy: Jerry Pallotta (a children's author who came to the kids school, apparently, he is bald and used a laser pointer excessively)
Jonny: running to church naked
Amelia: going on the monkey bars

I re-explained the rules and how it should be something we can actually guess. Maybe that's wasn't the best explaination because we DID actually figure out everything from round one (but it took ages.)

Round 2:
Me: fishing
Jimmy: I'm bored with my life- he did this by sitting on a cardboard box with a sour expression on his face
Jonny: running to the store naked
Amelia: it was a string of made up words that we couldn't guess

Better luck next time I guess!

1 comment:

mindy said...

so Jonny is the streaker??
