Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Height of Entertainment

Ah Spring is here and Amelia has captured a caterpillar to entertain the family for hours. They love spending time with it on the balcony and when they can get away with it, bringing it in the house to show it stuff. (They put it on the TV and couldn't understand why it couldn't cling to the screen.)

The main reason I sat down to write this post is this. Amelia came home from kindergarten with VERY exciting news. Mrs. H. (the best kindergarten teacher on the planet) has brought chicks in to the classroom for the children to observe. They are only a day old. AND they poop! One of them pooped in front of her very eyes! Amelia was so thrilled to tell me that fact. Poop has long been her fascination. It was the first word that she ever wrote and spelled at the ripe old age of 3. (No, I did not tell her how- she just wrote it in huge letters across the welcome home sign I was making for Gary) So anyway there is a real, live pooping chick in her classroom and she could not be more thrilled. I can only imagine her reaction multiplied by 18 and WOW! Mrs H. must have had a hard time reeling them in after that.


TracieCarter said...

HILARIOUS!!! My dad has long been the recipient of classroom chicks at the end of each school year so this struck a chord. I love your kids' fascinations - so real, so useful! And cute to boot!

Cami said...

Haha, that's too funny. Kind of reminds me of a certain one of my brothers who as a small child had a very strong fasciantion with stinky toilets. The stinkier the better.