Tuesday, March 29, 2011

A few photos for you (and Daddy-diddo)

Here's Amelia all decked out for the 2nd grade musicaL How does your garden grow?  Gary was there for that.  She had the most lines and got to say them solo.  It was cute!

 Jonny has decided to breed fish.  Here are his latest additions: above Rainbow the boy, he's really colorful.  Fire is below.  She's a girl. He's been excited to breed them for a long time.  We'll see if it works out.  Apparently, ideal conditions are 80 degrees and fresh worms.  It may warm up in the summer, but Jonny is my boy who does not want to be a plumber (toilets are stinky) or a trash man (strink again) so I'm not holding my breath on the worms.  They are stinky too.


Leslie said...

Amelia's costume is too cute and I am proud of Jonny for saving up his money to buy those fish. They are pretty!

Gary S. said...

Cute fish, and cuter scarecrow!