Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Business Trip Extraordinaire--Day 3

Day 3 has arrived. On most of my trips, by Day 3 I'm halfway through or even ready to leave. On this trip, I'm just settling in with no end in sight. I still have nine days until I leave sunny California, and there's plenty of trip left after that.

I had a nice Skype chat with Tracy and the younger kids this morning before work. I got to see Jonny's two fish! He sure is excited. I was happy to see some of my family. Chatting with James and Amelia doesn't really work in this time zone on a weekday, but maybe I can on Saturday.

I made a lot of good progress today, clad in my jacket in the chilly U-shaped server room. I could get used to Qt. Qt has been forced on me but has been a pleasant surprise. In fact, some things about it are better than Java. Java is still my sword of choice, but Qt is quickly becoming the dagger hidden in my boot. Considering what Oracle might do to Java over the next few years, I'm happy to expand my arsenal. And that's about as far as I want to take that metaphor right now.

I had lunch at a great Chinese place that a colleague discovered. I had a full meal (no drink) with table service for about $6.25 plus tax and tip. Back home it's hard to find a fast food sandwich for that. Of course, back home there isn't 12%+ unemployment like there is here. In that sense, like many others, there's no place like home.

I have got to stay up a couple more hours or I will never get to Pacific time. Must...stay...awake...

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