Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Chore chart

I decided it was time to pass off some of the housework to the kids. I never make it through my list at the end of the day. I found a chore chart maker online and each week, I sit down with the kids and review what needs to be done. They then choose 2 things they are willing to take over for the week. Jimmy hangs his up and takes it very seriously. He vacuumed under the table for a week. He washed the windows. He said 2 things was not enough and he chose more. He chose hard jobs and did them well. He gets upset if someone else tries to do HIS job. I am grateful for his hardwork; I think when he is older he will accuse me of making him my slave!


Leslie said...

Way to go Jimmy! What is the url of that chore chart maker?

TracyS. said...

It is:
