Saturday, October 14, 2006

Happy Birthday Jonny

Wednesday marked Jonathan's first birthday. The kids enjoyed "painting" on the sidewalk with brushes and water pitchers and exploring the paths around our community. That evening, Jonny coated himself with cake and ice cream. It was a peppermint flavored snake cake (he chose the flavor.) He really gets a kick out of snakes and thoroughly enjoyed eating one to celebrate his first year of life.
His birthday present was a singing rocking horse, which we did not have wrapping paper for. We covered it with a large blanket and hid it in a corner. That was not enough to fool Jonny. First thing in the morning, I found him with head and shoulders under the blanket, dancing to the music of the horse!


Leslie said...

What an adorable little one-year-old! And the cake is cute enough to match! I'm so glad that you guys had a wonderful day. I can't belive it's been a year already. That picture of him on his rocking horse is priceless!

Leslie said...
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Leslie said...

Sorry about that - I accidently posted the same comment twice. But since I'm here, I'll say that every time I look at Jonny I am so charmed!