Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Want to know when Jesus will come?

We have a famous super hero in residence. He came home with Jimmy from kindergarten on the first day of school. He wears the same clothes as Jimmy and he looks just like Jimmy. However, his family of 7 brothers was killed in a car wreck and he was forced to join our family. His name is "Crismon Shedds." Crismon Shedds' super power is that he was born knowing everything. He's not around all the time, but sometimes he puts in an "appearance."

Last night, during dinner I made a joke about the millenium (don't ask, it was political) which lead to the discussion of what the millenium is. We explainned how Jesus will come and it will be wonderful, but no one knows when it will happen. Not even the prophet or angels in heaven know when it will happen. "oh yeah?" says Jimmy "Just ask Crismon Shedds!"

UPDATE: more info on Crismon Shedds.


Leslie said...

Oh Jimmy! That is so funny! Where did the name 'Crimson Shedds' come from? What an imagination!

P.S. I have made plenty of politically related millinnium comments myself, so I can imagine how your conversation might have gone...

TracyS. said...

I think that the "Crismon" part came from misreading the word "crimson" when we were at Chuck E Cheese a while ago, but I am not entirely sure. I think that he played a game with the word "crimson" in its title. It's all guess work on my part because he insists that his name is "Crismon Shedds" and it didn't come from ANYWHERE because that's not how names work.
As a side note, Crismon Shedds' little brother, Crismon SHREDDS tried to put in an appearance a few days ago, but I think as soon as Jimmy brought up that character he changed his mind and I haven't heard of him since.

Anonymous said...

I thought all of Crismon Shedds' brothers were killed! (Tragic!) Could Crismon SHREDDS have survived the car crash after all???!!! Is Crismon Shredds' super power that he is indestructible? COOL!