Monday, March 01, 2010

Hair Dos and Don'ts

In the last few weeks, the kiddodiddos have been obsessed with the following list of words:
Everything is more funny is one of those words is involved.
The last few haircuts I've given Jonny, his simple request has been this: make me bald. Just wait 20 years I tell him.
Friday I was giving James a haircut.
His request: make me bald.
Just wait 20 years I tell him.
He persists, but the shortest I am willing to go on top is the 3, with 2 on the sides and 1 on the edges. It's not too bad for a mom cut.
He begs me to go down to a number 1 all over. I tell him that Dad knows more about men's hair and if he wanted it that short he would have check with Dad first.
Saturday night, I came home from the quarterly ladies meeting at the church and Gary is asleep. He mentions something about James "having your razor fall on his head while he was in the shower." It was a nice, new razor and pretty sharp but if it simply fell on his head, it would not have done what it did. (Did I mention that James is in to telling whoppers these days?) Anyway Gary called him on it. Turns out he tried to shave his head. Thankfully, he's not very good with a razor yet.
At breakfast on Sunday morning, James came to the table with a hat on. I told him I heard about his haircut and he said "Yeah I was hoping it would grow back over night." 4 chunks taken out, front and center. Sigh.

There is an old saying that goes something like this:
If your mother's father didn't go bald, neither will you.
I took human anatomy in college. In the class, the teacher debunked that myth. I can't explain it all in detail because I forgot by now. I believe Gary also debunked that myth on this blog. But if there is any truth to it, Jonny and James should be very happy in 20 years. As evidence, I provide a little piece of my early childhood.
Uhh- I lied. I can't find the picture right this very minute and I have Joy School to prepare and too much laundry to fold to hunt it down. So it'll have to wait. Trust me though, the picture I drew of my dad at a very young age is worth the wait.


Jodi said...

Too funny! Your kids are hilarious! Saw you at the Enrichment meeting, but didn't get over to say hello before you left. Hope you and your family are doing well!

TracyS. said...

Dang! Sorry I missed you. I'll have to be more social next time. I can't remember why I was in such a hurry to leave that night.

TracyS. said...
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Gary S. said...

Here's a link to my blog entry on baldness.