Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Jonny wants a pet

Yes, Jonny wants a pet. He suggests an anteater. And I'd gladly go along with it, if it would get the ants out from under my table. Yesterday, I caught him catching ants and forcing them into the traps (they don't work.) Simon is a little more gentle in his approach. He talks to them "Ants, do you want to eat poison?" "Oh yes I do" he answers in a tiny voice (don't worry, he knows PEOPLE DON'T EAT POISON.) This morning, Jonny told me maybe the Easter Bunny would come squish them for us.
James told me he read a book about giant ants attacking a city. He thought it would be scary for me. I told him I would love ants that are big enough to shoot with a gun. Both he and Amelia are making huge strides in their table manners, in an effort to keep food off the floor.
So why have I written 3 posts in one night? Well, I finally gave up on the traps and vigorous cleaning. (10 days should have been enough time don't you think?) Don't get me wrong. I'll still clean, vigorously too. I'll also use ant spray. It stinks though. You should see me running around with big rubber gloves, a hot pink shower cap and a bandana to cover my nose, spraying the dickens out of those little bugs. (maybe not) That's what I did after I tucked the kids in bed. But did I mention it stinks? So I have all the windows open, trying to air things out and I'm not going to bed til things smell good.


Anonymous said...

HA HA HA! That would be funny if you had a pet anteater. Pets are fun but also a hassle. A pet rock would be easy...not very fun, but easy.

Jodi said...

Your posts crack me up! Sounds like you and the group are doing well. Glad you got the short sale shimmy figured out once again. What a hassle!!