Friday, November 27, 2009

A Few Photos

Here's a few photos of Gary and James in Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat. They did a great job. Watching my sweethearts perform was a huge payoff for all of the nights away at rehearsals.
I didn't take these photos, I had Jonny and or Simon on my lap and couldn't do a camera too. Milan was kind enough to share the photos he took with the cast and I sorted through hundreds to find ones with my guys in them. Thanks for sharing!
Here's Gary popping out during the Jacob and Sons song that introduces all the brothers. He was Levi.
This is Gary whistling to start off There's One More Angel in Heaven. It has a western flavor. The guy who had the solo for this was really good, sorry no pictures of him, he's not in the family-diddo.
Here is poor Joseph, stuck in jail. The children's choir came and sang that song with him. They sounded really pretty. James is in the red, second from the middle on the left. Simon got really excited to see him on stage.

The children's choir sang to wrap up the intermission. It was a song called All God's Critters Have a Place in the Choir. It was really cute. James is in the red, to the right of center in the front row.
Gary was invited to be in the Horus Chorus and here he is, 6th if you are counting from the left. I don't think he prefered this costume, but he did sound nice in the group.
This is Those Canon Days, a comical French sounding song. Gary is all the way to the right. He had solos to start and end this song. He did great. The whole scene was very well done and was a reported crowd favorite.
The whole play was really well done. I am grateful they got the chance to explore their talents and try new things.


Jodi said...

Wow! You guys are famous!! How fun to have father and son involved together.

Leslie said...

This is so awesome! I really really wish we could have seen it. What a neat play to be their first, too. I am very impressed with Gary's stage presence and solos. Be sure and post "Tiny Tim" pictures for us when the time comes!

Leslie said...

P.S. Did Gary get to keep the Horus Chorus costume? I think it's great!

Gary S. said...

The rule was that anything you provide you get to keep. I did not provide any part of my Horus Chorus costume. So that whole costume--t-shirt, sculpted styrofoam hat, collar, skirt, and codpiece--was returned to the Pickwick Players.

I also returned my brother costume--headdress, straw hat, bandanna, robe, man-dress, and pants. I kept my sandals, cowboy hat, and baseball hat, because I provided those.

mindy said...

I don't see why Gary has a problem with that costume. Nice legs!

amphvivian said...

Wow, a real play! How exciting!