Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Photo Catch Up

Since Gary is home, he showed me how to get the photos off of my phone, so here's a catch up from the winter months:
Here's Jonny in his Ka Potty head band and black belt! He is really great at the potty now. This picture was taken after he had exhausted himself with his cool moves.

Ah- the key lime pie that was supposed to go to the teacher appreciation lunch. Thanks, Simon for spilling it on the floor. It was delicious! (What we could salvage, that is.)

Jimmy and his friends played this candy bar game at his party. It's the one where you have to wear the coat and socks and eat a candy bar with a knife and fork. They loved the game and spent 35 minutes at it!

Here's that birthday cake that I told you about in an earlier post! Sigh.

Jimmy turned 8 and here's the photo proof! I sure love this little guy!

I always hear about worthwhile causes after the event (march for life being one) and think "I would have gone to that, if only I had known." Well, this time I knew! It was the Tea Party in Washington DC, to protest out of control stimulus spending. Here's Amelia holding my sign (don't tread on me) and Simon who had been playing with the snake prop we brought.
Here's Gary, Jonny and Simon at the protest too! Don't they look cute. Amelia is hiding behing the sign in the stroller.

If you look carefully, you will see tiny icicles of bubble stuff on the tiger's chin. I guess it really was too cold to blow bubbles outside that day.

Hmm. I guess I'll have to figure out how to flip this one later. This is our traditional ugly cake party to celebrate Uncle Arthur's birthday, he would have been 37.

Here's one of my favorite memories: the day the kids set up a store in the parking lot and sold rocks to the neighbors. I think I made up a thousand different posts about this one, but I don't remember what actually got published. They had a great time going in to business for themselves and the neighbors got a good laugh. Our next door neighbor Priscilla was still laughing a week later. (Jonny knocked on her door and gave her one for free.)

Look at me! I can still wear my Halloween costume from when I was 2!

1 comment:

mindy said...

i haven't told you, but i think that ka-potty idea is so original and creative! I'm impressed.