Saturday, March 21, 2009

family relationships

Here's a question Jonathan (age 3) asked me:
When I grow up, can I be a brother?
I explained that he is already a brother for Jimmy, Amelia and Simon and isn't that great that he can be a brother now, with no waiting!
A few days later, he followed up with:
When I grow up, can I be a brother and share the bed with you and Dad?
(Sorry pal- not gonna happen!)
Deeper into the conversation, I started to understand: he wants to be MY brother when he grows up. How sweet!


mindy said...

maybe he means a brother like "Brother Sheppard".

TracyS. said...

Good idea- I'll have to ask him tomorrow.

TracyS. said...

Hey Mindy- I followed up... he was a little mystified when I asked if he meant "brother sheppard." He said he wanted to marry me, but since I'm already taken, he'll settle for brother.