Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sweet Serenade

A few nights ago, Jimmy sneaked out of bed to sing me a song. It was a cute little song all about reading, called "Reading." He learned it at school.
"Reading is fun-damental..." he sang soulfully. While he sang out his heart about reading books and things kids like to do (follow fashion trends, ride bikes, watch tv) Jonny sneaked up behind him and joined in: "I can read my ukelele, I can read my ukelele, I can read my ukelele.." he crowed. He sang on key and it really was quite lovely to hear the boys harmonizing together. Maybe you had to be there...
I tried to get a reprise the next morning, but neither one was up to it.

1 comment:

holly b said...

how sweet. too bad they didn't do an encore for you!