Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Just a quick note, more to follow when the day arrives, I'm sure.

After the trunk or treat party, Amelia was enjoying her candies. "I sure like these coconut ones" she remarked.

If you are the first to guess what the "coconut ones" are called, I'll mail you some!


Leslie said...

Well, I would go for the obvious and say Mounds, but I have a feeling thats not it...

TracyS. said...

No, it's not Mounds... I hope some one gives those out tonight.

After the trunk or treat, I asked the kids to turn in all of their gum and "yucky" candy (stuff they don't like), and I was surprised at what they passed in. Amelia declared she DOES NOT like chocolate and turned in mostly candy bars. My kids prefer sugar based/fruit flavored candy.

TracyS. said...

Don't make your guess based on my comment. I realized it is misleading.

Dad said...

Some kind of granola?

Dad said...

malted milk balls, even though they're chocolate? (Coconuts in their shells)

TracyS. said...

Ding Ding Ding! Malt Balls, AKA Whoppers is exactly right! They LOOK like coconuts. Which DAD am I mailing these to?

Leslie said...

Congratulations to you! How fun!