Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Amelia's Theme Parks

Ever since we went to DisneyWorld, Amelia has been talking about her own theme park, Disney Love Heart. She encourages me and Jimmy to make up rides to put in her theme park.
Some of the rides include "Lava Girl's Flamethrower" (a big slide shaped like Lava Girl, where you slide down her arm and out the flame thrower she is holding) and "Turner's Big Spin" is one of those towers with the room that spins up and down and gives you a view of the park. It is shaped like a bolt and the nut is the spinning room that goes up and down. Most of her rides are okay for pregnant women, she says. This was an issue on our last vacation.

Two nights ago, she started talking about "Hershey Lovers." I thought this was her version of Hershey Park. I was wrong. She asked me and Gary to play Hershey Lovers. "What's that?" we asked.
"Well," she explained, "Mom and Dad sit on the couch and then we pretend that babies are popping out of her tummy"
"Well, we don't really pop out of her tummy, we hide around the room and pop out."

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