Sunday, October 14, 2007

Jonathan's Birthday

Last week was Jonathan's birthday. He really looked forward to it for a long time. He knew what he wanted: a bike and an Elmo cake. Here's the family with the birthday boy and the much desired Elmo cake. He doesn't really know anything about Elmo, but he liked the Elmo pinata at Gary's company's picnic last week and has been excited about him ever since.

We didn't get a picture of him on the bike yet, but here's one of him in his Tigger suit*, opening his Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. This is what he chose with the money that Nana and Pop sent for his birthday. Thanks!
*He calls the tail of this suit his "bouncer" and the first time he put it on, he spent a while going in circles, trying to get a hold of it. I wish I had made a movie of that!

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