Monday, June 04, 2007


Well it's been a while since I posted anything and I guess I'd better update you all on the kiddodiddos!
Jimmy's soccer season ended on Saturday. He learned the game well and aggressively attacks the ball. He learned to jump up after he is knocked down and even took a ball to the stomach in stride (something that unnerved him earlier in the season.) It fun to watch him play, but even more fun to listen. If things are going well, you can hear him laughing as he runs.
As the school year winds down (12 days) he looks forward to calling himself a 1st grader! He learned the kindergarten skills well and improved his handwriting by leaps and bounds.
Last month, he sprouted beans in a plastic bag when they studied the plant cycle and he brought them home. We planted the beans under our tomato plant- I didn't think they'd do well enough for their own pot. Boy was I wrong. Two days ago, Jimmy and I carefully repotted the beans into a pot of their own. They love the extra room. While we don't know what kind of beans they are, Jimmy says they were white. We should find out soon- they have pretty white blossoms on them.
Amelia has been maturing over the last week or two. She has been tending a miniature rose bush (purchased with the intent of teaching her a little responsibility) and is a very attentive gardener. She checks the dirt every day and looks for bugs on it and carries it to sunny locations. She has managed to stay in sacrament meeting for the last 2 weeks with out any behavior issues, which considerably eases family stress at church. (Apparently the single sisters in the ward were getting great entertainment counting the number of trips she makes to the foyer.) She gets a lot of laughs (unintentionally) in primary, particularly during sharing time. One day the primary president asked the kids if they saw general conference. She raised her hand, bouncing in her chair. "I did. I saw general conference! It was BORING!!!!" Another week, Jimmy was chosen to be in a demonstration and Amelia clapped and jumped up and down, so excited to see her brother up in the front. Imagine her reaction when her name was called too! (the names for volunteers are randomly selected from a jar) She ran to the front and hugged Jimmy, jumping up and down. She looked like someone who just won a huge prize on the Price is Right! (I don't think she has seen the show) She sings loud when she knows the words. "The Sunbeams may sing loud but they don't sound good," he commented loudly after practicing the Father's Day song. Her enthusiasm for life is fun.
Jonathan loves Nursery and his teachers. Yesterday, I asked him to point them out in sacrament meeting, hoping to distract him for a bit. He knew immediately where they were. They are grandmas who really enjoy the kids and the kids love them back.
He is excited about airplanes and helicopters, lady bugs, and swimming. He likes to use his musical potty chair. He used to use it more, because it was fun. Then he figured out that grown ups like it when kids use the potty and he stopped using it. It was only fun when it was his choice. So I just ignore the potty now and he uses it when it suits his whim, usually once or twice a day. He loves collecting rocks and sticks and flowers. It is fun to see which he prefers. Based on his collecting style, he holds on to rocks until he finds a flower. Then he drops one rock to pick a flower and he carries both around until he finds a good stick. He drops everything for a good stick. He enjoys finding the same sticks over and over because I have a firm rule- no sticks in the house. We have a jar on the counter for all of the weeds and flowers the kids pick for me. I will miss the crazy bouquets when the kids are older. I know they won't treat me to them forever.


holly said...

What sweet things. I really enjoyed reading this update. : )

Leslie said...

Thanks so much for the update! I'm so glad my cute niece and nephews are doing so well.