Thursday, June 28, 2007

Bananas and Bandaids

The other day I was getting the kids ready for the pool and the big kids ran to hide because they don't like sunscreen. Not Jonathan. He came running for "nanas." The sunscreen in banana scented and he loves the smell. As I put the sunscreen on him, he said over and over "tickled, nanas!" meaning he felt like he was being tickled by bananas!

He tripped and scraped his knee yesterday (twice, so the scab was scraped off this time) and Gary put a bandaid over it. Jonny pointed to his knee "see bandaid" he told anyone who would listen. This morning, he has been going around, holding his pants leg up and telling everyone again "see bandaid!" I know this isn't his first bandaid, but he sure is proud of it anyway.

1 comment:

holly said...

cute... I love the "tickled nanas" part especially! the connections kids make are fo fun!