Friday, February 02, 2007

Amelia's Post

Amelia has joined the primary this year and is very happy to be a Sunbeam. She loves the singing time and brings a lot of energy to the class.

She wants me to type a song she made up it is called "the room of thee"

I will be kind today and i will be all that i can be my earthly home unto thee for sins for forgiveness I will weakness I will sin and obey and then obey holy spirit father of for the kind you say to me thee to parents kind and dear help us find the way oh when all that he must do for living child of gray juice.

*This is not as easy to remember as one Jimmy made up one day that he had the "urp disease"
"this is the throw up place, the United States- bock bock bock!"


Gary S. said...

Wasn't that Amelia that made up the throw-up place song?

Gary S. said...

Tracy and I just talked, and indeed it was Jimmy that made up "the throw-up place, the United States, bock bock bock" song. I wasn't there to hear it, and I remembered Tracy's retelling of it incorrectly.