Thursday, April 26, 2012

Where's My Egg?

We dedicated some time to decorating hard boiled eggs for Easter last month.  Everyone was excited for the project and we quickly got down to business.  Each kid grabbed and egg and chose a color to dip it in- we got a neon kit this year (for future reference: DON'T forget to stir the solutions, as directed.  You'll get funny looking eggs.)  Eggs slid into cups, and then Rachel cried out "Hey- where's my egg?"  I explainned that we put them in the cups to make them pretty, but she wasn't buying it.  Every minute or two she would ask in an increasingly grumpy voice "Where's my egg?"  Finally, I just gave her a plain one to hold.  She quickly scarfed it down.  Apparently, she thought she had signed up for snack time, not an art project. 

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