Sunday, July 19, 2009

You must be sick of that post about Amelia's broken arm...

but that's all you're going to see for awhile. Immediately after getting her cast, we left for California. Immediately on return from our trip we found a buyer for the Kiddodiddo Ranch (a 3 bedroom condo.) We are currently (frantically) looking for a house to move into before the start of school. So wish us luck! Maybe I'll be posting again soon- or maybe I'll catch you up on everything once this whole headache, I mean summer vacation is over.


Chelsea said...

Good luck with the house hunting!

Jodi said...

Move to my street!!!

Leslie said...

I am so excited for you guys and can't wait to hear what you've found! Best of luck in the hunt and everything that comes along with a move.

Jake said...

Congratulations! I hope you find something you love and it works out great!

The Doll said...

Good Luck on the house hunt! I hope everything goes well.

TracieCarter said...

Aaack! That's great news for you, but I know who gets to do a lot of the grunt work on the home front to make it happen! Good luck!!! I'll be rootin' for ya!