Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Guessing Game

We had just come home from our vacation and had not unpacked the suitcases. I was making lunch in the kitchen when James ran to me yelling "Simon got the Tums!" So I ran to Simon, grabbed the Tums and cleaned out his mouth. It is to his credit that he did not protest when I stole his "treat." He knows Tums are a no-no.

So here's the guessing game: How many Tums fit in these sweet cheeks?


Jodi said...

Hard to say! But some dang cute cheeks he has! What a great picture.

Leslie said...

What an absolute cutie! I am going to guess a dozen?

Thanks for posting that picture!

mindy said...

at least 20

TracyS. said...

The correct answer is 30. He was determined to cram as many in there as he could, before he got caught.