Thursday, January 08, 2009

Potty Training

Here's our latest attempt to convince Jonny that potty training is cool. We call it KaPotty. He earns a stripe on his karate belt for each success and loses one for each accident. When he fills up the belt, he moves up to the next color. Hopefully he'll be a KaPotty master before we know it.


Jake said...

Sounds like a great idea! How many colors are there? What are they?

With our kids, what worked was waiting as they became progressively more uncomfortable with having poop sit in their diapers and noting that they wouldn't get "rashy" if they went potty instead of having a diaper. Eventually each kid decided they'd rather go potty all the time and avoid getting "rashy".

Jodi said...

Gosh, it's been a while since I've checked in on your blog. I love the Kapotty belt kid! I also love Amelia's evaluation of Jimmy's "rich" friend. So funny!