Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jonny says...

Gary cooked breakfast for the family this morning. It was a nice treat. When we were cleaning up, I noticed Jonny had not touched his eggs. I asked him about it and he said "Yeah- I justed wanted them for a souvenir."

One night, Jonny fell asleep in his clothes and we just tucked him in bed that way. When he woke up the next morning, he noticed he was in his clothes and exclaimed "Whoa! I was sleeping like a maniac!"
You probably didn't know that "maniac" is Jonny's signature word. He sometimes describes things as "maniac-ish"


Leslie said...

What a cutie!

Chelsea said...

He is such a fun kid! Eric loves having him in his Sunbeams class.

Jodi said...

Actually I knew that maniac was a favorite of Jonny's. He said I was driving like a maniac when I watched him over the summer!:) I'm a little embarrassed to admit that, but I swear I wasn't disobeying any traffic laws!... Really! He cracks me up!