Thursday, January 08, 2009

Belated Christmas Wishes

Here's my attempt at a Christmas photo shoot- I wish it was a video, because you can't get a feel for the pandemonium that ensued. Maybe if you scroll down fast enough, you'll get the gist.
I wanted everyone with their feet tucked under the tree, smiling at me. Simple enough right?

Then Amelia left in a huff because Jonny poked her in the eye.
Don't you love Jonny's angelic face? He's got feigned innocence down really good.

Then they disappeared.
Then they reappeared.
Then Jimmy pulled out the mustache.

I thought that two strings of colored lights over our pre lit tree hid the fact that Simon had walked off with all the ornaments. Don't you?

Merry (belated) Christmas and Happy New Year!

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