Monday, October 13, 2008

Leader of the Pack

Jimmy is playing NFL flag football this fall for the Green Bay Packers. He didn't get to choose his team. If he did, he would have chosen the New England Patriots (in case the Child Services people are reading this, I promise I have taught him better).

Here is a great action shot:

Look at him go! :-) By the way, that lump in his mouth is a mouth guard. They're very serious in this league.

FYI the shirt was provided by the league, and a very clever parent suggested that we all chip in a few dollars to get matching shorts and socks. That means the Packers are not only one of the most successful teams in the league at 4-1, but also the best dressed team we have seen yet!

You can get more details about the league at . In case you check the scores and highlights, Jimmy's Packers are in the Mites division.


Jake said...

That IS a great action shot! Sometimes when you see a picture, you instantly know it will be a family classic. Good luck to Jimmy, and the Packers (the Mites ones, anyway).

TracyS. said...

Wow, Gary! thanks for the post! One of the other parents snapped the shot and sent it to us. I WISH my pictures turned out that good.

Jodi said...

Nice shot! Way to go Jimmy! Go packers!

Leslie said...

What a great shot! It is so neat that he and his team are doing so great -- and their uniforms are awesome!