Saturday, September 06, 2008

Cardboard Fort

Back in June the kids told me they wanted help building a cardboard fort. I have dutifully saved ALL of my cardboard boxes in the hopes of taping them together to make a decent cardboard fort with them someday. Yesterday on the way home from school, we passed by some huge sheets of cardboard on the curb waiting recycling. I went back with the van to pick them up and bring them home. Amelia and I spent some time this morning taping them together to make a fort. It's much bigger than I planned. Once the walls and roof were taped in place I declared my work was done. Jimmy and Amelia had other plans. She brought in table and chairs and they played cards. Jimmy hooked up his reading light so they could see better. Tonight, Gary and I went to check on the kids after they were asleep. I was amazed to see that Jimmy and Amelia were sleeping together with pillows and blankets and an electric fan inside the fort. Maybe I should have turned on the light and taken a picture... but really, I'd rather let them sleep.


Leslie said...

How fun for your kids! They will have fantastic memories of that fort! I sure wish Joshua and Daniel could come over and play with them in it. And what a dedicated Mom you are -- big kudos to you for being so involved and helping their vision become a reality!

holly b said...

cardboard forts are the best! what a cute image.