Sunday, June 01, 2008

There are spies among us

At the start of the school year, Jimmy started a spy club with his friends at school. He called it the TSSA- Top Secret Spy Agency. He had about 12 kids in his club and each had a special rank. Sometimes I found his spy lists of who spied on who for how long. Every day, he is sure to wear "spy clothes." Did you know that spies always wear pants and shirts that match? There are two other spy agencies at his school- VILE and ACME. The TSSA and ACME are partners (of sorts) and VILE is the bad agency. I think that lately, his spying has become a bit more serious. Last week, for his "Mom and Jimmy time" he wanted to make a spy flag. So we spent a few evenings painting a large scrap of fabric blue with a large red diamond on it. It has the letters GSA on it, because recently the TSSA has changed it's name to General Spy Agency. (Gary thinks it's to make it sound more important- everyone knows that 3 letter agencies are the real deal when it comes to spying) Jimmy intends to hang out his spy flag so that everyone will know to come to him for their spying needs.

Amy has shown little interest in spying until today- she invited me to join her new spy club. It's called "Find Out If It's True." Membership is free, but new members must wear a mask (me.) The purpose of FOIIT is to find out if her friend Zachary can really turn her into a tick and squish her. She spent a lot of time studying the Etch a Sketch for clues, but has not reached any conclusions.

My sister had a spy agency when we were little (LMTS- Leslie M. Trustworthy Spy) Any other spies out there? (Okay that's not really a question- I'd feel all freaked out if a REAL spy answered)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I was always sorely disappointed that LMTS never got any business. Not enough intrigue going on around the house, I guess.