Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Thoughtful Little Boy

Jonny has had a few moments to show his "softer side" as of late.

I was watching Hazel, the daughter of a friend and half way through the visit I called out "DIAPER TIME!" and rounded up the 3 diaper wearers. While I worked on Simon, Jonny and Hazel sat nearby waiting for their turns. Jonny leaned over to Hazel and said "Do you take zebra or leopard?" (different animals for different sizes) then he leaned closer, wiggled his eyebrows knowingly and said "Zebra, I think." He's a bit on a diaper connoisseur.

Jimmy's friend Jason came over to play last week. He's pretty shy and when he came over he hid outside with his mom, crying. Jonny goes to nursery class at church. He knows exactly what to do with crying friends. He ran outside and said to Jason "it's okay buddy! we can play kick ball or wii sports or Mario. it's okay buddy!" Jimmy came out a minute later to see what the hold up was. Jimmy and Jason had a great time playing, even after the rough start. Throughout the visit, Jonny kept checking on Jason and offering words of support.

Last week, a friend of mine came over and we made jam together. She brought her 7 month old baby Abby over. She played on the floor while the kiddodiddos watched Lady and the Tramp. Part way through the show, Jonny went over to Abby and said (pointing to the baby gate) "That's the baby gate. We put it up so you don't roll down the stairs."


Gary S. said...

I don't think we blogged about this, but Jonny did roll down the stairs on the day we moved into our house. He was 11 months old, and it was pretty scary.

Gary S. said...

Also, Jonny is two. Jimmy is seven, so Jason must be like seven as well. The fact that two-year-old Jonny helped seven-year-old Jason feel at home is cute!

TracyS. said...

Yes, Jason is 7, just like Jimmy and the sight of such a tiny boy comforting him was endearing. Thanks for filling in the gaps!

holly b said...

what a one liner: do you take leopard or zebra! I've been way out of the blogging loop, but it was fun catching up with your smart cutie pies!