Sunday, November 11, 2007

Catch Up: Photos from the last 6 months

Jonny's other birthday suit. He was busy watching Shark Boy and Lava Girl when this photo was snapped. The morning ride to the school bus.
Halloween pumpkins- Jimmy's has an identical smile on the other side.
August was occupied by bargain Tae Kwon Do lesssons.
Take a picture of me with my ponies!
Take a picture of me with my brother!
A couple of weeks ago, I took my kids and the children of a friend to the temple grounds and visitor's centers. Here's a few photos from the trip. I really like this picture of Henry touching Jesus feet. Don't we all wish we could do that?
The kids enjoyed a quiet moment, taking in the statue of the Savior. (L-R Jonathan, Amelia, Evalyn)

Many Saturdays were spent waiting for Daddy at the airport last spring/summer. Thankfully the travel has slowed down.
One of the precious bouquets that 4 year olds give their mothers. Enjoy them while you can!
Hiding the evidence: Jonathan has a goatee of Qwik (from eatting it out of the can) and sat on the can in an attempt to hide his mischief.
Our first family fishing trip. Notice the stylish matching do rags!
Everyone has a hobby- Jonathan's happens to be spinning salad.


Gary S. said...

Thanks for posting these!

Leslie said...

1. Jonny looks too handsome in his suit!
2. Simon looks a lot like Gary in that picture of he and Jimmy on the couch
3. Your condo looks beautiful!

holly said...

what a nice catch up post. I am feeling extra emotional now that the move has set in and seeing the pictures of the children with the Christus made me tear up and get warm fuzzies. Thanks for being such a wonderful friend.

ps i love the salad spinner hobby!!