Sunday, September 23, 2007


When complete strangers see me with the kids, they most likely remark "You have your hands full." I usually respond with a smile and "not really."
But last Thursday's soccer practice was an exception. We were going to be there on time for once! I opened the car doors, let Jimmy run ahead, and started gathering kids, etc. Laiden with Simon, 3 folding chairs, and a diaper bag, Amelia, Jonathan and I crossed the street. When we got to the other side, where the practice was, Jonathan noticed that I grabbed the green and blue chairs and he wanted the black chair. It was in the car. So he did what any almost 2 year old would do. He had a tantrum. And it was big. I stood their waiting for it to blow over for a few minutes. It did not blow over and nothing I said helped. So I put down my things, and sat down to wait. Why didn't I go back for the black chair? Because I am as stubborn as my kids, and having a tantrum is no way to get me to cooperate. So after 15 minutes of coaxing and waiting, I gathered my things again, this time including Jonathan in my haul and slowly made my way to Jimmy's practice. It was across the school from the parking lot. As I made my way, carrying 3 folding chairs, one diaper bag, one almost 2 year old (still screaming and flailing), and an infant, someone stopped to tell me I had my hands full. For once, I agreed. But I didn't say so. They didn't stop to listen.

1 comment:

holly said...

It's funny what people say and what people do. :) Too bad the person who made the comment didn't offer to help! But maybe they were afraid you'd say yes.... ;)

And I hear you on the tantrums: that is not the way to get what you want! Although I'm sure there will be an exception to that somewhere down the road.