Saturday, September 09, 2006

Darn R's

In speech pathology, the letter R is often preceded by the word "darn" because it are so tricky for children and therapists to correct. (now don't worry, children have until they are 8 years old before /r/ is a concern) Amelia and I had a conversation the other day where this came into play.
Amelia: This is my brother Wocky.
Me: Why do you call Jonathan "Rocky"?
Amelia: Not wock, like the thing on the gwound. Walk like what people do.

I was impressed with her ability to clearly explain away my confusion.


Leslie said...

So I guess it's "Walkie!"

holly said...

I love that story! I had an /r/ problem and was "cured" of it in 2nd grade by a fabulous speech therapist. Mrs. Lakosik or something.

I remember all the stickers we got for rewards and that we read stories and I practiced moving my tongue on a "railroad track". It was also pretty cool that I got to skip some of regular class and go have fun in speech class. : )