Sunday, October 30, 2011

Knock Knock Jokes

The most recent round of knock knock jokes started like this:
Knock knock!
Who's there?
Chicken butt!!! Ha ha ha ha.
Now I don't like the word "butt."  I ask the kids not to use that word, hence the "hilarity" of this punch line.  After the first time, I had a little talk with the kids about appropriate references for one's gluteous maximus.   I won't equate the word "butt" with swearing, but I will say that I have always believed that prolific swearing is due to one of two things: small vocabulary or lack of creativity.  So I decided to build the children's vocabulary, discussing with them the plethora of more appropriate names for that part of the body: bottom, rump, posterior, "nether quarters," behind, gluteous maximus, patootie, the list went on and on.
Now the knock knock jokes go like this:
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Chicken bu-TOX! (Jonny's pronunciation of buttocks)
Not really sure that's an improvement, but it makes me laugh anyway. 

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I didn't used to mind "butt" but now I do for some reason. I guess it seems crude-ish. We say tush, or tushie when they're littler. Also patoot sometimes.