Saturday, September 25, 2010

Which one is different?

Below are 3 great things.  You decide which one is different and why: 
The true answer will be revealed tomorrow and the one with the closest guess will receive a surprise in the mail.

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Partridge Cochin Bantam


Leslie said...

My guess is: They are all things Jonny has requested for his birthday. The chickens are the thing that's different because that is the one thing he's not getting.

Cami said...

Ok, I'm going to guess the chickens because that's the thing Jonny is getting for his birthday that he didn't ask for.

TracyS. said...

Well- you are good guessers to know that it involves Jonny and his birthday. The real answer is this:
Chickens are the one thing he HAS asked for. I asked if he wanted legos instead and he said if he got those he would cry until he is a grown up.

Thanks for playing my sisters. Since you were good sports, I will send you BOTH something with a chicken theme in the mail.

Leslie said...

Yippee! he getting the chickens?

Cami said...

Awe, thanks!

Huh, I wonder why Jonny wants chickens? Then again, a few months ago when I took Liz to a farm to see puppies and ponies, the animal she cried about leaving when it was time to go was the chickens. Maybe it's a kid thing.