Sunday, August 03, 2008


Gary snapped this shot of me and the kids a top Snowbird Ski Resort when we were in Utah this July. We rode the tram. The view was fantastic! The mountains were rugged and steep, with patches of snow here and there. I could have looked at it all day.
I took this picture of the family playing in the snow (well standing on it, but they did make a few snowballs)
Jimmy just came down and noticed this picture. He told me "I hate to say it but I was scared of heights. That's because I understand the complex death. (?!) People, even big people could look over the edge and THINK they have a foothold but they don't. And then they fall. Down (bump and crash sounds) into the water under the ice and they come to the top and they can't breath and they (makes puffy cheek choking sounds)" Yes that would be "complex death." (I guess) Jimmy didn't say all that at Snowbird, but he wanted to hold hands almost the whole time we were at the top. Now I know why.
Here's Jimmy in a lighter moment. He's riding the Alpine Slide. He's the only kiddodiddo big enough to ride it solo. He LOVED it and went as fast as he could. I rode with Amelia. She wanted to control the speed. She liked it SLOW. She was so scared at first, but I think she warmed up to it in the end.

I tried to take a picture of Gary and Jonathan on their way down. You can see Gary's hair at the bottom of the picture.
Although the kids had their moments of fright, we all enjoyed our time at Snowbird.

1 comment:

Leslie said...

It looks like so much fun on that Alpine slide and I wish we had done it when we lived in Utah. Granted we didn't have kids then, so there goes most of the point, but still. I wonder if Jimmy will outgrow his fear of heights sometime or if it's something that you're just born with and it stays with you. That would be interesting to study.