Sunday, March 16, 2008

Jimmy's Birthday

Happy Birthday to you (one week late)
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday, dear Jimmy!
Happy Birthday to you!

(the post is a week late, not the party)
After a bout with the flu that knocked Jimmy out for a week, I was doubtful that he would be well for his birthday. But he was! His friends came over for an army themed party and had a great time. Jimmy insisted that they play "Don't eat Pete!" which is not an army themed game, but is well loved nonetheless. In fact, one of the party guests went home and taught her family to play that night. (


Leslie said...

We are so glad that Jimmy had such a happy birthday! Inspired by your post, we played "Don't Eat Pete" for FHE tonight. Joshua loved it, but Daniel got his feeling hurt when we all yelled "Don't Eat Pete" at him. The fact that it was the first M&M he chose didn't help, nor did the fact that it was already past his bedtime.

Leslie said...

That should read "feelings hurt." Daniel is an emotionally complex individual, after all:).

TracyS. said...