Thursday, August 31, 2006

Jonathan's Post

Since Jonathan doesn't talk yet, I haven't included him in my blog postings (which are primarily funny things the bigger kids say.) I realize this is not fair to my youngest, so I'd like to rectify that.

Jonathan started taking steps about 10 days ago. He is now venturing around taking half a dozen steps at a time before crawling to complete his journeys. He enjoys pushing large balls up the slide in our living room and when he finally makes it to the top with the ball (he is persitant) he cheers for himself! Then we all clap too and tell him what a big boy he is. He really likes clapping, more so than the other kids did/do.

Jonathan also had his first big boy time at the park. For the first time yesterday, he wanted to climb and slide at the park, just like the big kids. He crawled from play structure to play structure and then went up the stairs to play with the steering wheels, go down slides, hang on the the bars like a monkey in a cage. He really is a lot of fun for everyone.


Leslie said...

What a cutie! I wish I could see!

Leslie said...
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holly said...

Congratulations on walking, Johnny!

that's a great idea to include Jonathan's "wordless" contributions. : )

Leslie said...

Oops, the deleted comment was from me...I had accidentally posted the same things twice.