Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Jimmy's discourse on Kilts

I was folding laundry with the kids earlier this summer when the following conversation took place.
Amelia, teasing "Jimmy, here's your skirt!"
Jimmy frowns
Me "That's silly, boys don't wear skirts!"
Jimmy "Well, boys do wear skirts. They are called kilts and men wear them with big heavy purses. They wear the purses so that when they sit down their private parts don't show. I don't think I want to wear a kilt. I think that the big heavy purse would be too heavy for me."

I have no idea where he learned about the sporan, or even if that is REALLY the reason they wear them.

1 comment:

holly said...

that's amazing.... and hilarious that he'd come up with all of that. maybe it was Grover on Sesame Streer??? (I didn't know that it was called a sporan) But I remember the bagpipers from MacSomething College in Canada that played at BYU one time....