Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Mid Summer Update

Well, I don't often find myself thinking of blogging these days.  The middle of our summer is passing uneventfully.  We've played mancala, ants in the pants, cootie, don't break the ice, bang, labyrinth, and a few others I don't remember.  We toured a potato chip factory.  It was amazing to see potatos coming off the truck at one end of the warehouse and nice hot chips coming off the conveyor belts at the other end.  Wash, cut, fry, repeat.  It smelled really good. 
James' viola arrived in the mail this week.  I am excited for him to have a chance to learn a musical instrument.  I think he will love middle school. 
Simon is gearing up for kindergarten.  He is an excellent helper with the chickens and is very interested in learning to ride a 2 wheeler.  I was excited to teach a 2 wheeler when I am not pregnant, as has been the case in the past.  I was not counting on a helpful 2 year old who insists on running behind and holding Simon up as he tries to gain his balance.  Scary! 
Mia has really developped some great sewing skills through classes at the local fabric store.  She has made a pillowcase, an apron, a pair of shorts, and appliqued a cute t shirt.  She would like to make a dress all by herself.  She chose a pattern (after I insisted) and is looking forward to the day when she can wear something she made to church. 
Jonny likes playing with friends- he has had a lot of good  play dates this summer. 
Rachel loves to talk on the phone, sing songs and help Simon ride his bike (yikes!) She is funny, but don't call her that.  She will tell you she is not funny, she is cute.  I think she can be both.

We took the kids roller skating a few weeks ago.  It was tons of fun.  Gary and I were the only parents on roller skates at first, but a few more joined in.  This was the kids first experience and they were real troopers.  They skated and fell and skated and fell and skated and skated and skated.  Even Rachel got going a little.  James, Jonny, and Mia took to roller blades very well.  Simon did much better on standard skates.  Rachel did fisher price my first skates and that was just right for her.  Gary and I each took the youngest ones around until they got the hang of it.  At first, skating with Rachel was a bit like dragging a scarecrow around the rink, but she found her feet and had a good time.  Simon much had a similar experience on roller blades, but once he switched to skates he did great.  I felt like a kid again, it was so much fun.

A few days ago the kids started "The Night Night Club."  It's where they take all of the pillows and blankets and spread them on the living room floor.  Mia is the president.  Jonny is the national guard. Simon in the vice president.  Rachel is in charge of recruiting.  I am the secretary.  I think I have the best job because it is funny to write down what really happens.  First meeting: Jonny motions to remove Mia as president.  Motion is denied, but term limits of 1 year are established (this was a tough compromise between daily turn over and every 3 years.)  Next motion:Should the club do cuddle time or pillow fight?  membership voted 3-1 in favor of cuddle time.  (When James found that out, he determined that this was not the club for him. Rachel will have her work cut out for her as recruiter.)  Next motion: weekly schedule established, Monday cuddle time, Wednesday pajama day, Friday is trick day.  Meeting adjourned.     Only casualty: Daddy's pillow is no where to be found.  Sorry!  I promise we'll find it before you need it:)

The kids are all in swimming lessons, including Rachel.  I go in the water with her.  It's fun, but I am really missing seeing what the others are up to in their classes.  I didn't anticipate that. 

1 comment:

Leslie said...

What a lovely summer for your family! It sounds just right and I'm so glad there's still a bunch of it left to enjoy. Your kids are so creative and doing so many neat things. Way to go parents for providing the opportunities!