Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Friday night, James attended a lazer tag birthday party that went late (well, late for kids.)  When it was over it was half past 8 and the van was full of cranky kids who really just wanted to go to bed.  Rachel was the exception.  She was full of gusto.  So she decided to sing the big kids to sleep with one of her favorite songs: Good Night, Ladies.  Unfortunately, she only knows one line of the song, the part that goes "good night, ladies!"   So she sang it over and over again, pausing occasionally to shout a self request: "Louder!"   A few verses would have been fine with everyone, but this went on for miles and miles and one of the older kids lost patience and told her to shut up.  She was rightfully offended and hollered her hurt feelings for everyone to hear.  So everyone had to tell her what a great singer she was so that she would quit crying.  As soon as the crying was done, she was back to singing "Good Night, Ladies" in her best one year old way. 

1 comment:

Leslie said...

It's been fun to hear these cute updates about your kids!